Air India and TATA Group

January 10, 2023 3 mins to read

J.R.D TATA is considered to be a business tycoon in India. His visions for his business were always high. Tata Airline is established by Tata in 1932, which became the largest carrier in India. The first passenger of the airline was J.R.D Tata himself. It was fled by one of his pilot friends. Since the airline was founded before the independence, it has a whole lot of history.

Timeline of MAHARAJA

The roots of Maharaja began with the name of Tata Air Services which was later retitled Tata Airlines. Tata Airline has seen many different phases. It was renamed Air India at the end of world war II and became a public limited company in no time. It was also used during the war to carry troops, Tata has tried to grow his channels of networks, and from being flown to one place before, Tata Airline has spread its networks internationally too.

But in 1948, after independence around 49 percent of the airline was taken by the government of India and got communalized by the government in 1953.

The business of airline services was going well until it was decided to merge Maharaja with Indian Airlines in 2007. It was the beginning of the airline to fall in hefty debt and losses. Due to this, the government tried to privatize the Air India services in 2001. Several attempts were made to privatize the airline. Besides this, the government also decided to take almost half of the part of the business under them.

The thought of privatization again poked the mind of the government in 2017 and many trials were made to privatize the airline. A time came when MAHARAJA was under heavy debt and it was suffering from continuous losses. The government has released many funds too to release the airline from debts but nothing worked.

Welcome of MAHARAJA

When it became clear that the airline cannot be saved by any funds produced by the government, then the final decision came to sell off the MAHARAJA. Then to make the deal final, it was sold to Talace Private Limited in 2017. This was a disheartening moment for the TATA as well as for India. But the deal did not remain last and MAHARAJA was welcomed by their owner again on 27 January 2022. It was officially given to TATA after a long time. This was a happy moment for every Indian and its owner that the airline with the largest network is being welcomed again.


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